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Deployment Guides

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 —  1 min read

🚀 Server Providers

Currently, Bon5R supports three main deployment platforms.


If you want to know other ways to deploy a Bon5R app/want to add your own provider here, follow these steps:

  • Create an issue describing your suggestion.
  • Link a pull request to your issue and wait for a code reviewer to pass all checks.

Contributions are always welcome!


Before we can deploy our project to the web, we need to have a repository hosted on GitHub that your server provider can access.

📖 Create a Github Repository

1. Initialize Git

Run the following command in the root directory of your project:

git init -b main

2. Commit all changes to main

Run the following command in the root directory of your project:

git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"

3. Create a Github Repository

Run the following command in the root directory of your project:

gh repo create

Follow the prompted steps and your repository should be published on GitHub after it is done.

Alternative Methods

If you want to use GitHub Desktop, or a more interative GUI, I suggest you read the docs on Github on Adding locally hosted code to GitHub.

✨ Demo

For a live demo of an application bootstrapped with create-bon5r-app take a look at the following links:

💻 Running a local server

To run a server on your local computer, follow these steps.

1. Build the application

You can build the application by running the command

yarn build

2. Start the server

You can start the local server by running the following command

yarn start