
Create static, blog-aware websites with pure MDX.

A scalable framework allowing you to create beautiful, responsive websites without ever touching HTML, CSS or JS.

yarn create bon5r-app my-app
import Header from "@/components/Header";
import BlogTitle from "@/components/BlogTitle";
import Footer from "@/components/Footer";

<Header title="📖 My Blog Title" />

## Hello World! 👋
This is my first post! In this page, we will prove the
[Riemann Hypothesis](Riemann Hypothesis).
Begin by noting that the Riemann zeta function
is defined as the following:

\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty = \frac{1}{n^s}

<Footer content="Code with ❤️ by @manuanish" />
📖  My Blog Title
Hello World! 👋
This is my first post! In this page, we will prove the Riemann Hypothesis.

Begin by noting that the Riemann zeta function is defined as the following:
ζ(s)=n=11nszeta(s) = sum_{n=1}^{infty} rac{1}{n^s}
Code with ❤️ by @manuanish


Built with frameworks you know & love.

Get your personal website up and running without learning any new code.

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Built-in Components 

Built-in handcrafted components
Don't waste your time re-creating the same components. Bon5R comes with handcrafted components so you can focus on what matters most.
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